Thursday, April 21, 2011

My Birthday

Yesterday was my birthday and I spent it at school, YAY! I did get to have fun with my clinical group from nursing school. They got me a cake and a card, and I don't really know them that well. It was so nice of them.

My day started out with my beautiful son cuddling with me. We just sat down and watched the squirrels in the backyard play while I soaked up all the joy of holding him. Then the damn toilet flooded the bathroom because one of the kids obviously had something in the toilet: I will never know what it was because it actually flushed. Oh Crap! I will find out that it was something important later. It happened while I was doing my hair for school and the water got all over my pants. It was kinda of crazy day. It's hard to do my hair and entertain the kids at the time. I had to dress up for the job fair and that was a waste of my time because the hospital I would like to hire into isn't hiring. So, my day got better when I finished my clinical in mental health and we watched Misery with James Caan and Kathy Bates. What a crazy movie? Yes, I was scared. I am not going to lie.

I got home and had a icecream sundae with my Mom and hubby.

In other news, I signed Lizzie up for school and she was so excited. She brought her bunny with her to school with her and had her bunny sit in a chair next to her. Oh, and Brady is getting so much closer to walking. I don't know if I am ready, he's so busy now. How am I going to keep up with him when he is walking?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Got my Cap and Gown!!!

Well, I went and got my Cap and Gown. I also graduate with honors!!! I am so excited. My husband has been so supportive these past 8 months. My husband has put up with a lot and deserves a "Hubby of the Year Award!" My kids have ate tons of Mac and Cheese and sat in front of the TV so I can study. It was rough, but I figured I could get through Nursing school if I could survive the NICU for 10 weeks. I felt so guilty putting them in front of the TV.

I miss being myself. I study about 16 hours a week, clean house, go to school, work, and am be a Mom and Wife. It's hard but I know I am almost done. It's worth it. I work only to pay the babysitter so I can study.

I am so happy that I will be a RN soon. I have been a LPN for 4 years now, and I really wanted a change and most LPN's work in Nursing homes in Michigan. I needed a change. I do however, love working with older Adults. You can learn a lot from older Adults, they survived off so little and now we are an "Instant Gratification," society. As a country, we always have to have the best of everything when they had one pair of shoes. Older Adults deserve respect and I think as a country we don't like to age. Age isn't such a bad thing. I look forward to go through the stages of life. I have learned a lot about my Grandpa. I love him so much, he is the most inspiring man I have ever met. He understands the meaning of hard work and appreciates the little things. He always puts his family first.

In other news, the weather has been great. I have been enjoying the little time with my kids outside. Lizzie got a barbie kite. AND, Brady took two steps all by himself. It made me cry. Preemies take there own time catching up and he definately takes his own time. He loves to crawl but he really has taking an interest in walking.

I posted a picture of my Grandpa in this post with Lizzie two years ago at the local fair. One of my favorite pictures of him.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

NICU Follow-Up Adjusted 14 months

On Monday I went to Brayden's follow-up, finally! It was hard to get an appointment and it seems like I never had a day that would work. This Picture is with his favorite nurse Ann. She took the best care of us when he was in the NICU. She couldn't believe how big he is and was so happy to see him.

Well, I am so happy to report that his follow-up went great. They said he has no tone issues and the watched him crawl and play with some toys. They were so impressed with my little man!

I had to share his chocolate cookie face! He fell asleep after his follow-up after eating one of the hospital's Mr. Ed's cookie. Those Cookies Rock!! And of course Miss. Lizzie tagged along too! She has a silly face of course!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Still here!

It's been awhile!! Like 5 months actually. But my life is crazy. I graduate in 32 days from Nursing School. And boy, it has taken over my life. But, I know I am doing if for myself and my babies. I really want to pursue becoming a NICU nurse and help other parents like me.

Elizabeth and Brayden are doing great!!! Elizabeth can't wait till she starts school and Brayden is getting around everywhere. He's always so busy and he gets into everything. He put my cell phone in toilet, the littler stinker!!

The picture on the top left is a nurse who took care of Brady when he was in the NICU the first night. She was amazing and held my husband's hand when he was scared of the unknown. On the Right is the two doctors who took care of Brady during his first week of life. The doctor on the left told me that I could hold him when he was 5 days old. The Memories. It was such a hard time and I was so happy that I could thank everyone for not only taking care of me but our family as a whole. These photos are last fall. He was so tired when he went to the NICU follow-up but they loved seeing him.

I honestly was so embarrassed that I hadn't posted in awhile but I have been so busy.